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Windfall Journal; What a time to be alive.

Windfall Journal; What a time to be alive.
I can't believe here we are in the middle of worldwide Pandemic. A worldwide health crisis. Here in Melbourne we are in Stage 3 of our lockdown which means theres only 4 reasons you are allowed to leave your house.
1. To get supplies/groceries 2. To go to the pharmacy 3. To exercise 4. To go to work (if it's an essential service)
A quick word on what we are at WF HQ are faced with. 
Our studio isn’t just a shop, its a space where love is celebrated in any and all ways. Love is packaged down into a wearable piece of art that’s taken with you and worn on you for an eternity. Its more than simply a place to buy jewellery, we’ve developed a community. A place where you're free to be who you want and say what you want. You can laugh, we often cry (happy tears), you can hug and you can get lost in the amazement of gold and gemstones and diamonds. 
Given the governments latest announcements we are forced to TEMPORARILY shut our studio. For now. 
That means current orders will be a little later than usual. So please bare with us as we weather the storm.  What we won’t stop doing is, working remotely. We’ll be bunkered down designing new pieces, looking for new stones and chatting to you via email about your dream piece. We want to slip back into the business model we had 5 years ago. Running everything out of a spare room of my house. We watched orders roll in and email enquiries were answered. Thats how we are looking for the next couple weeks. Working apart, alone and some of my staff not working at all. 
What we do have is a website packed with stock. Items ready to go which we have pre made. This is what will keep our business alive for the next few weeks. So if you have the means and your job is secure jump on and support our small business. It might mean an extra weeks pay for my staff and keep this baby ticking over. 
We know we are all in this together. All stuck inside our own homes trying to ride this out. We know that peoples mental health needs to be a priority right now so heres some tips which might help keep you sane. 
ONE. Find the meaning in our struggle. There is a silver lining here. There are things to be grateful for. And there are lessons to be learnt. We just have to look to find them. Once we find them the lessons will open up a whole new perspective that we didn't have before. Without pressure there are no diamonds. 
TWO. Disconnect. Use this time to disconnect. We're not going to lie, Instagram is a vital tool for us. Facebook and emails keep us connected and at the end of the day bring us sales. BUT right now, its easy to get caught up in the hype and sensation that surrounds Covid-19. Fuck, there's even a whole channel on TV dedicated to spreading the bad, sad and depressing news. It can get you down. So use this time to put the phone down and switch off and disconnect a little, even if its a few hours a day. Instead, pick up that book. Get out those paints. Bake that cake instead.
THREE. Set a new goal. I love goals. Goals keep me driven, focussed. But right now I'm forced to set new goals, different goals. And what a time to set a goal, time is up your sleeve and you don't have anywhere to be, no schedule, no school drop offs, no work commute. Try something new. 
FOUR. Write down what you're thinking and feeling. It's so easy to say 'just talk'. Talk to someone about it. But the action can be a lot harder. So write. Don't be shy. No one is going to read it. And just purge all those emotions and feelings. Get it out so you can move forward.
FIVE. Take the break. This is going against what I say in Three (Set a Goal) haha. 
Take that break. We're always in overdrive. Obsessed with moving forward and whats next and how to achieve it. Go go go. Now we're forced to just stay in and stop. With the occasional walk to keep us sane. So nap, cook, read, connect with nature. Practising Social distancing of course. 
We look forward to being able to re-open and see all your beautiful faces. To see the look on your face when you see your ring for the first time. We’ll be back, hopefully sooner than soon. Its uncertain when. What I do know is, no fucking virus will hold us back. We’ll start at the bottom and work our way back to the top. You won’t defeat us COVID-19. Fear will not defeat us. Because LOVE WINS.